MALLORYS JERKY comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Carefully read through our refund and return policy and follow the steps below to make sure your request can be evaluated.

  1. If you are unhappy with our product for ANY reason, please get in touch WITHIN 3 DAYS of your delivery, and our team will investigate this.
  2. For our team to investigate any issues, they need your Order number (which can be found in your confirmation email) and images of what has been received within this timeframe.
  3. Please DO NOT THROW AWAY any products before our team has responded. 
  4. If our team does not receive adequate images or receipt of returned products, we cannot provide any refund or replacement. 
  5. Each issue or claim for a refund or exchange is investigated on a case-by-case basis.
  6. If we approve the refund or exchange, the packet/s must be returned to us (at your cost, unless otherwise agreed, prior to sending) with the uneaten portion.
  7. Contact us before returning the product to obtain our mailing address or to discuss alternate methods.
  8. No refund or exchange will be approved on products that are out of their best-before or Use-by date.
  9. All orders we fulfil include products well within their use-by or best-before dates.
  10. Unfortunately we can not refund or replace products past this date.


Refund policy, Return policy, Exchange policy, satisfaction guarantee.